News of the NUUz 2024-09-07T08:21:22+00:00 Zokir Majid Open Journal Systems <p>The name of the journal is &nbsp;<strong>“News of the NUUz” </strong>National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek.<br>ISSN number is 2181-7324</p> BASIC PRINCIPLES AND FEATURES OF CREATING CONTENT OF TRAINING COURSES FOR E-LEARNING. 2024-09-07T08:21:05+00:00 Ibrat SADULLAYEV <p>The creation of effective e-learning training courses requires a delicate balance of pedagogical principles and technological advancements. This article delves into the essential principles for creating engaging and effective e-learning content, such as learner-centered design, interactivity, and adaptability. Furthermore, by examining best practices and emerging trends, the article offers a comprehensive guide for educators and instructional designers looking to develop engaging and impactful e-learning courses.</p> 2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz THE ROLE OF SOCIAL SECURITY IN ENSURING THE WELL-BEING LIFE OF THE POPULATION 2024-09-07T08:21:22+00:00 Gulsum TAGIEVA <p>This article reveals the specific features of the social security system in Uzbekistan, the stages of development, and also studies the social security system based on world experiences. Social security is an important priority of state policy in Uzbekistan. It is directly related to the development of the economy, and it is closely related to the comprehensive improvement of people's well-being, people's living standards, creating new jobs, sources of income, reducing poverty, improving our villages and cities, based on sociological scientific approaches. Currently, it is revealed that social security is being financed from budget funds, non-budgetary special fund funds of the state, i.e., insurance contributions and sponsorship funds.</p> 2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz DEVELOPING PRAGMATIC COMPETENCE OF UZBEK ESL LEARNERS THROUGH POSTMETHOD PEDAGOGY 2024-09-07T08:20:47+00:00 Munisa TURSUNOVA <p>This study investigates the effectiveness of a postmethod pedagogical approach in developing the pragmatic competence of Uzbek learners of English as a second language (ESL). The findings demonstrate the positive impact of the postmethod approach on enhancing the learners' pragmatic competence, providing valuable insights for ESL teaching and learning in the Uzbek context.</p> 2024-08-26T10:21:33+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz ENSURING GENDER EQUALITY - AS A SOCIO - LEGAL MECHANISM OF PROTECTING WOMEN FROM HARASSMENT AND VIOLENCE 2024-09-07T08:20:29+00:00 Feruza RAHMONOVA <p>This article analyzes current issues such as gender equality, gender culture, gender oppression. The tasks of ensuring gender equality, guaranteeing the rights and freedoms of men and women at the same time have been revealed. The term "gender" and related phrases such as "gender relations", "gender equality", "gender culture", "gender development", "gender sociology", "gender psychology" have been widely analyzed.</p> 2024-08-26T10:24:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz THE NEED TO FORM A POLITICAL CULTURE AMONG CITIZENS IN THE CONTEXT OF DEMOCRATIC REFORMS 2024-09-07T08:20:12+00:00 Erkin MANNANOV <div>This article theoretically analyzes the concept of “political culture”. The interpretation of the concept of “polit</div> <div>ical culture” by the scientific community has been studied. The need to form a political culture among citizens emerged during the implementation of democratic reforms in the country.</div> 2024-08-26T10:26:43+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz DIGITAL PR TOOLS FOR BRAND PROMOTION 2024-09-07T08:19:54+00:00 Aziza ASLANOVA <p><em>In the era of the development of the Internet in everyday life, people have an increasing demand for the use of digital PR. Digital PR is essential to running a business because companies must use the Internet and social media to advertise and sell their products. The need to use digital tools for brand communication is becoming increasingly important in the digital economy. Although the essence of brand communication remains the same - the exchange of information with the consumer through symbols and the formation of a positive brand image, the content of such an exchange process is fundamentally different. The effectiveness of digital PR serves to increase the communicative activity of the brand. The article discusses an integrated approach to the promotion and sale of goods and services on the example of digital PR. </em></p> 2024-08-26T10:31:28+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz PROFESSIONAL STAFF – BASIS OF THE NATIONAL ARMY (IN THE CASE OF 1991-2005) 2024-09-07T08:16:56+00:00 Gulira’no ABDUG‘ANIYEVA <p><span class="fontstyle0">This article discusses the relationship of the Republic of Uzbekistan with foreign countries, establishing relations of military cooperation through official meetings, studying foreign experience, training qualified specialists, introducing new fundamental methods of military education, and expanding the scope of personnel training.</span></p> 2024-08-30T04:33:20+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz SYMBOLIC MEANING OF DECORATIONS IN THE REGISTON ENSEMBLE OF SAMARKAND 2024-09-07T08:16:38+00:00 Shohsanam AYUBOVA <p><span class="fontstyle0">This article talks about the symbolic meanings of the examples of visual and practical decoration in the Registan ensemble of Samarkand, in particular, in the Sherdor madrasa. At the same time, information is provided about the history of the "lion and sun" symbol, which is widely used in the visual arts of the East.</span></p> 2024-08-30T05:29:51+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz THE HISTORY OF ABDULAHAD TURA’S APPOINTMENT AS HEIR OF THE BUKHARA EMIRATE 2024-09-07T08:16:20+00:00 Alisher EGAMBERDIYEV <p><span class="fontstyle0">The article analyzes the changes that occurred in the crown system of the Bukharan Emirate in the second half of the 19th century, the appointment of the emirate’s prince Abdulahad Tura as the heir to the throne by the emir Muzaffar, as well as the confirmation of the new crown prince of the emirate by the Russian emperor Alexander III. In the process of writing the article, extensive use was made of local sources and materials published in the empire’s periodicals of that time, which detailed Abdulahad Tura’s journey through the central cities of the empire in 1883 to participate in the coronation ceremony of the Russian Emperor.</span></p> 2024-08-30T05:38:07+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz NEW RESEARCHES ON THE OXUS CIVILIZATION PUBLISHED IN 2023: PART 3.2. (EXAMPLE OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE 12 TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST) 2024-09-07T08:16:01+00:00 Gulmira KATTAYEVA <p><span class="fontstyle0">It is scientifically analyzed information about articles which are devoted the Building Technologies, X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Metallic Items, and Conservation, Restoration and Reconstruction of the Bronze Age Paintings with Mosaic Inlays from Gonur Depe that is considered one of the earliest urban centers of Oxis civilization that were published in the “Proceedings<br>of the 12 th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East” in this article.</span></p> 2024-08-30T05:51:35+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz NEW MONUMENT TO THE BRONZE AGE ALIBAITEPA (SOUTHERN UZBEKISTAN) 2024-09-07T08:15:43+00:00 Бокижон МАТБАБАЕВ Комил РАХИМОВ <p><span class="fontstyle0">This article describes archaeological finds (axes, arrowheads, knives, etc.) obtained as a result of research conducted at the Bronze Age burial ground of Alibaytepa, Sariasi district, Surkhandarya region, also provided by the local population, their shape, size, functions, geography of distribution, comparison with finds of other cultures of the Bronze and Early Iron Ages and comments on their dating.</span></p> 2024-08-30T06:01:11+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz REVOLUTIONS DURING THE SECOND WORLD WAR DEDICATED WORK BEHIND THE FRONT 2024-09-07T08:15:26+00:00 Jaloliddin PARDAYEV <p><span class="fontstyle0">In this article, during the Second World War, the selfless work of the people of Gallaorol district, which was part of the Samarkand region, behind the front was analyzed based on archival materials and written scientific sources. The article highlights the humanitarian and tolerant qualities of the people of Gallaorol in receiving the food, clothing, and material funds sent to the front, as well as the population evacuated from the war zones.</span></p> 2024-08-30T06:12:36+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz THE ROLE OF FIRDAVSMONAND SAMARKAND IN THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE POWER OF IMAMAKULIKHAN 2024-09-07T08:17:13+00:00 Parvina RAHMONOVA <p><span class="fontstyle0">In this article, the role of Samarkand in the rule of Ashtarkhani ruler Imamquli in Samarkand and the acquisition of the throne of Bukhara is revealed based on relevant sources.</span></p> 2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz SOCIAL - ECONOMIC AND ECONOMIC LIFE IN THE PERIOD OF THE SOMANIANS 2024-09-07T08:15:06+00:00 Mira’zam TO‘XTASINOV <p><span class="fontstyle0">This article describes the socio-economic and economic life of the Samanis, who emerged after the crisis of the Arab caliphate in the 9th - 11th centuries and were considered one of the most famous dynasties of the East, and founded a large centralized state strength Information about the country in Central Asia is given.</span></p> 2024-08-30T06:44:20+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz ORGANIZATION OF EDUCATION LESSONS BASED ON THE COMPETENT APPROACH (BASED ON GRADE 5-6) 2024-09-07T08:14:49+00:00 Shaydo ABDISHARIPOVA <p><span class="fontstyle0">The competent approach in education emphasizes the development of students' abilities to apply knowledge and skills effectively in various contexts. This article explores the organization of education lessons based on the competent approach in grades 5-6. The discussion includes the theoretical framework, practical implementation strategies, and the potential impact on students' learning outcomes. The article also highlights the challenges and opportunities associated with adopting a competent approach in middle school education.</span></p> 2024-08-30T10:41:40+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz DESTRUCTIVE EMOTIONAL STATES AS A PSYCHOLOGICAL PHENOMENON 2024-09-07T08:14:31+00:00 Diyora ABDUG‘ANIYEVA <p><span class="fontstyle0">Emotional states are mental states that arise in the process of life activity of a subject and determine not only the level of informationenergy exchange (as functional states), but also the direction of behaviour. Emotions are one of the main mechanisms of regulation of the functional state of the organism and personality activity. In psychology there are descriptions and studies of a number of strong, deep emotional states: sadness, affect, despair, anxiety, aggression, fear, panic, apathy and others. Such destructive emotional states are experiences related to the violation of needs satisfaction, arising due to the imbalance of individual perception of a difficult life situation, the process of personal adaptation. The main purpose of this article is to analyse destructive emotional states as a psychological phenomenon.</span></p> 2024-08-30T10:48:57+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz THE TECHNOLOGY FOR DEVELOPING FOREIGN LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY COMPETENCE OF TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN THE CONTEXT OF EXTRACURRICULAR INDEPENDENT LEARNING 2024-09-07T08:14:13+00:00 Ozoda ABDULLAYEVA <p><span class="fontstyle0">This article applies theory to practice through the use of technologies. Due to the increasing role of scientific and technological progress and the process of technologizing the humanities, the concept of technology has firmly established itself in pedagogy. In the production process, technology is a system of algorithms, methods, and tools proposed by science, the use of which leads to predetermined results of activity and guarantees the production of products of a certain quantity and quality.</span></p> 2024-08-30T10:57:29+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz QUALITY OF LIFE INDICATORS AND THEIR SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS 2024-09-07T08:13:56+00:00 Ranajon ABDULLAYEVA <p><span class="fontstyle0">The article separately analyzes the main indicators of quality of life, such as education, family and work. In order for everyone to correctly implement their strategies, scientific and practical conclusions based on research results are given. In general, the article suggests ways in which a person can make his life happy.</span></p> 2024-08-30T11:04:58+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz THE ROLE OF THE SYSTEM OF CONTINUOUS EDUCATION IN THE SOCIETY IN THE IMPROVEMENT OF PERSONAL ECOLOGICAL CULTURE 2024-09-07T08:13:39+00:00 Abdulatif ABDUMALIKOV <p><span class="fontstyle0">This article examines the social significance of the development of ecological education in the system of relations between man and nature. Also, the priority tasks of forming ecologically conscious activities based on improving environmental education were analyzed.</span></p> 2024-08-30T11:11:18+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz NEW COMMUNICATIVE METHODS IN MILITARY ENGLISH TEACHING 2024-09-07T08:13:20+00:00 Shohruza ABDURAZAKOVA <p><span class="fontstyle0">In the ever-evolving landscape of global military operations, the proficiency in English, as the lingua franca, is paramount for effective communication, strategic alliances, and execution of international missions. This has necessitated a paradigm shift in military English teaching methodologies towards more dynamic and interactive communicative methods. The traditional didactic approaches, focused on grammar and vocabulary, are increasingly being supplemented and replaced by innovative strategies that promote practical language use in real-life military contexts. These new communicative methods leverage task-based learning, simulations, technology-enhanced platforms, and cultural immersion to develop not just linguistic competence but also intercultural communication skills crucial for modern military engagements. This article explores the transition towards these communicative methods, emphasizing their importance<br>in fostering operational effectiveness and international military cooperation.</span></p> 2024-08-30T11:20:17+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz SCIЕNTIFIC-THЕORЕTICAL AND PЕDAGOGICAL PRINCIPLЕS OF SPЕЕCH CULTURЕ FORMATION IN MORAL-AЕSTHЕTIC ЕDUCATION OF STUDЕNTS 2024-09-07T08:13:03+00:00 Fazliddin ABDURAZAQOV <p>It is wеll known that thе ability to spеak еffеctivеly is an important skill for pеrsonal, acadеmic, and profеssional succеss, and dеvеloping this skill can improvе studеnts' sеlf-confidеncе, crеativity, critical thinking, and social skills. Wе analyzеd thе currеnt statе of spееch еducation in thеsе schools and idеntifiеd thе problеms that prеvеnt thе dеvеlopmеnt of spееch culturе. This articlе also touchеs on thеsе aspеcts and highlights thе significancе, sciеntific-thеorеtical and pеdagogical significancе of thе formation of thе culturе of public spеaking in thе moral-aеsthеtic еducation of studеnts.</p> 2024-08-30T11:29:47+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz MODERN DIRECTIONS OF FORMATION OF TURKEY'S FOREIGN POLICY 2024-09-07T08:12:44+00:00 Sirojiddin ABDUVOITOV <p><span class="fontstyle0">At the beginning of the 21st century, due to the coming to power of the “Justice and Development Party” led by Erdogan, the country's foreign policy was significantly reformed, taking into account the cultural, historical and geographical features of the Turkish state, as well as the modern geopolitical reality. During the rule of the “Justice and Development Party”, significant changes took place in Turkey's foreign policy. Turkey began to pay more attention to national interests than in the second half of the 20th century. In the course of the transformation of modern international relations, the foreign policy of the Republic of Turkey is formed under the influence of both internal and external factors, and is becoming a clearly defined multi-vector feature. In this article, the directions of Turkey's foreign policy in the system of modern international relations were scientifically analyzed.</span></p> 2024-08-30T11:38:48+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz A VALUE-BASED APPROACH IN A SOCIAL SPIRITUAL ENVIRONMENT 2024-09-07T08:12:26+00:00 Shahlo AHROROVA <p><span class="fontstyle0">In today's era of globalization, the issue of the spiritual environment of society exerting its influence on other spheres of society's life is becoming increasingly relevant. A special place in the socio-spiritual environment is occupied by the system of value approach. Significant changes in one or another sphere of society have an impact on both the value system and, in turn, on the socio-spiritual environment. These changes in the value system and the dynamics of growth in the socio-spiritual environment are proportionate. This will be discussed in the article.</span></p> 2024-08-30T11:57:19+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz IDENTIFICATION, DEVELOPMENT OF ABILITIES AND THEIR LEVELS 2024-09-07T08:12:07+00:00 Matluba ALIYEVA <p><span class="fontstyle0">In this article, it is possible to identify abilities, develop and find out the importance of their level.</span></p> 2024-08-30T12:03:33+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz THE ROLE OF THE SUBJECT "TECHNOLOGY" IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF PUPILS' PROFESSIONAL SKILLS 2024-09-07T08:11:50+00:00 Feruza ALKAROVA <p><span class="fontstyle0">This article discusses the importance of the subject technology in the development of a pupil’s personality, its role in the development of creative and imaginative thinking in students, current problems of attracting pupils to the subject technology in today’s rapidly changing digital world, the importance of this science in choosing a profession, as well as the importance of professional development of a technology teacher.</span></p> 2024-08-30T12:10:55+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz CONDITIONS AND FACTORS OF DEVELOPMENT OF COGNITIVE COMPETENCES OF STUDENTS 2024-09-07T08:11:32+00:00 Gulnoz AMANOVA <p><span class="fontstyle0">In this article, we will determine what pedagogical conditions help to form and develop the cognitive competence of students of a pedagogical university, and consider the factors and conditions that influence it.</span></p> 2024-08-31T05:35:21+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz FORMATION OF REFLECTIVE SKILLS IN THE FUTURE PRIMARY CLASS TEACHERS IS A CHALLENGING PROBLEM 2024-09-07T08:11:14+00:00 Nasiba AMINOVA <p><span class="fontstyle0">This article provides comprehensive solutions to future secondary education teachers by highlighting the issues of developing reflexive cooperation in performing pedagogical tasks.</span></p> 2024-08-31T05:42:35+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz THE PROBLEM OF TRAINING MODERN MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NEW STRATEGY OF UZBEKISTAN 2024-09-07T08:10:57+00:00 Inoyatxon ARZIMATOVA <p><span class="fontstyle0">The article discusses the importance of training management personnel, creating personnel reserves, training, retraining and placement of leadership and management personnel at a new stage of development of Uzbekistan, as well as the importance of studying the culture of communication associated with the personal qualities and qualities of management personnel, civil servants and leadership activities.</span></p> 2024-08-31T05:50:19+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz PHILOSOPHICAL OF MAHMUD ZAMAKHSHARI BY EASTERN AND WESTERN SCHOLARS- RESEARCH OF MORAL HERITAGE 2024-09-07T08:10:39+00:00 Mansurbek AYTBAYEV <p><span class="fontstyle0">This article analyzes scientific approaches to Mahmoud al-Zamakhshari's scientific legacy, which has been the center of attention of Eastern and Western researchers for centuries, especially his philosophical, religious, spiritual and socio-ethical views.</span></p> 2024-08-31T06:00:57+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz THE IMAGINATION OF CHILDREN BROUGHT UP IN A DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILY ABOUT FAMILY AND FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS 2024-09-07T08:10:22+00:00 Dilafruz BARATOVA <p><span class="fontstyle0">In society, the upbringing of girls in family and family relations in the spirit of national and universal values, as well as the spiritual and socio-psychological environment in the family, the origin of family conflicts are an urgent problem. This article deals with family relationships, negative effects on divorced children, psychological changes in divorced children, aggressive behavior, upbringing<br>disorders, deviant behavior, anxiety, distrust of oneself and people, lack of confidence in the future, especially the fear of adult girls getting married, Gossip, engagement, innocent guilt, inability to feel free even in a child's grandparents ' home, premature end of childhood.</span></p> 2024-08-31T06:08:09+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz FORMATION AND METHODOLOGY OF A TEACHER IN PRIMARY CLASS 2024-09-07T08:10:04+00:00 Klara BARATOVA <p><span class="fontstyle0">Significant research and ongoing inquiry highlight the importance of understanding and recognizing the development of identities and beliefs among teachers. These studies use techniques of reflection on the past or present to elucidate the developmental process of teacher identities and beliefs and their impact on the profession. The development of teacher identities and beliefs commence during childhood. A dearth of research exists that addresses the emerging developments of teacher identities and beliefs from the perspective of young children.</span></p> 2024-08-31T06:15:41+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz TECHNOLOGIES OF TEACHING NATURAL SCIENCES IN GENERAL EDUCATION SCHOOLS 2024-09-07T08:09:46+00:00 Bekzod BOYMATOV <p><span class="fontstyle0">This article describes the methods of encouraging students to imagine, be creative, think, and think creatively in the process of teaching natural sciences in general secondary schools.</span></p> 2024-08-31T06:22:17+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz MODERN METHODS OF IMPROVING THE PEDAGOGICAL SKILLS OF SCHOOL TEACHERS IN THE CONDITIONS OF TRANSFORMATION OF EDUCATION 2024-09-07T08:09:31+00:00 Vahobiddin BOZOROV <p><span class="fontstyle0">This article describes modern methods aimed at improving the pedagogical skills of school teachers in the conditions of modernization of education in the countries of the world. In this case, evidence of the effectiveness of the educational methods that are being implemented and are planned to be implemented in the education of Uzbekistan together with developed countries is presented. In this, new methods aimed at improving the pedagogical skills of school teachers took place.</span></p> 2024-08-31T06:31:03+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz INTERSECTORAL SOCIAL COOPERATION AS AN IMPORTANT FACTOR IN THE FORMATION OF GENDER CULTURE IN MODERN SOCIETY 2024-09-07T08:09:16+00:00 Feruza DAVRONOVA <p><span class="fontstyle0">This article analyzes the issue of increasing the social and political activity of citizens at a new stage of development of Uzbekistan, including the integration of gender culture as a value in the formation of gender equality in society. Therefore, it is important to consider that ensuring knowledge of the constitutional rights, privileges and opportunities of women, who make up half of our people, their comprehensive protection and use are the main elements of the strategic goal of the state. The article provides a number of proposals and conclusions on the issue of increasing political literacy and the participation of women in the formation of an inclusive society.</span></p> 2024-08-31T06:40:05+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News of the NUUz