• Dilnavoz TOXIROVA Karshi State University A teacher in Linguistics department
Keywords: alliteratsiya, adabiy vosita, she'r, she'rlar, tez aytish , undosh tovushlar, urg'u, bo'g'in, bolalar she'riyati


Alliteration is a literary device that reflects repetition of the same initial consonant sounds in multiple words. Alliteration is used by writers or poets to make their writing more interesting, memorable and distinctive. The main reason of applying alliteration in poetry is that it sounds pleasing. By using alliteration it is easy to get the attention of readers or listeners. This article analyses use of alliteration in English and Uzbek literature.


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How to Cite
Dilnavoz TOXIROVA. (2024). ALLITERATION IN ENGLISH AND UZBEK LITERATURE. News of the NUUz, 1(1.3), 264-267.