• Sherzod XALILLAYEV O‘zbekiston Milliy universiteti dotsenti, PhD.
  • Ikrom ABDULLAYEV, Xorazm Ma`mun akademiyasi, b.f.d. professor.
  • Maxset MEDETOV O‘zRFA Zoologiya instituti, b.f.d. katta ilmiy xodim.
Keywords: Fergana Valley, ecological group, species composition, orthoptera, herpetobiont, facultative hortobiont, thamnobiont, eremobiont, spiky hortobiont, fissurobiont, petrobiont, geobiont.


This article provides information on the biological diversity of the scaly insects identified from the natural and anthropogenic areas of Namangan, Andijan, and Fergana regions during the years 2017-2023, and their belonging to different ecological groups according to their life forms. According to him, the most common species in the grouping of stiltgrass insects based on their life form in the conditions of the Fergana Valley are facultative hortobiont (18.3%), eremobiont (17%), thamnobiont (9.1%), spike it was determined that it belonged to the ecological group of hortobiont (9.1%). In other ecological groups, it was found that the number of species consists of 1-4 species.


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How to Cite
Sherzod XALILLAYEV, Ikrom ABDULLAYEV, & Maxset MEDETOV. (2024). F ORTHOPTERA (INSECTA: ORTHOPTERA) OF FERGANA VALLEY. News of the NUUz, 3(3.1), 159-162. https://doi.org/10.69617/uzmu.v3i3.1.1751