Thermal analysis of the catalysts obtained for the pyrolysis process of methyl chloride was carried out in the Q-1500D derivatograph. The pore structure of the samples was studied using the low-temperature nitrogen adsorption method in the NOVA 1200 E device. The specific surface of the samples was determined by the BET method, and the average mesopore size was determined by the BJH method. The main products are C2-C4 unsaturated hydrocarbons. There were also few by-products, mostly saturated open-chain hydrocarbons (C1-C4). To implement the process, the activity of catalysts such as YuKS, Fe2O3 (YuKSFe), SiO2 (YuKSSi), (YuKSMg) was studied and the following order of activity was determined: YuKSMg > YuKSFe > YuKSSi > YuKS. As a result of the research, a technological scheme for producing monochloromethane and obtaining ethylene and propylene was created for the implementation of the process, and the results were analyzed.
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