The article considers F. Bacon’s comprehension of the nature of new scientific knowledge and method of understanding the core of things phenomena. It affirms that it is essential to cognize the laws of nature in order to let a man having such knowledge to be able to subjugate the Natural World entirely for the benefit of his own needs and requirements.
The article considers F. Bacon’s comprehension of the nature of new scientific knowledge and method of understanding the core of things phenomena. It affirms that it is essential to cognize the laws of nature in order to let a man having such knowledge to be able to subjugate the Natural World entirely for the benefit of his own needs and requirements.
The article considers F. Bacon’s comprehension of the nature of new scientific knowledge and method of understanding the core of things phenomena. It affirms that it is essential to cognize the laws of nature in order to let a man having such knowledge to be able to subjugate the Natural World entirely for the benefit of his own needs and requirements.
The article considers F. Bacon’s comprehension of the nature of new scientific knowledge and method of understanding the core of things phenomena. It affirms that it is essential to cognize the laws of nature in order to let a man having such knowledge to be able to subjugate the Natural World entirely for the benefit of his own needs and requirements.
2. Russell B.A. A History of Western Philosophy. – L., 1989b.527.
3. Фейербах Л. Собрание произведений в трех томах.Т.:1. –М.:“Мысль”, 1974. – b. 93.
4. Бэкон Ф. Сочинения: 2 т. Т. 1. – М., 1971.b. 296
5. Джахая Л.Г. Классификация наук как философская и науковедческая проблема. – Сухуми, «Алашара», 1969. – b.14-15.
6. БэконФ.Афоризмы об истолковании природы и царстве человека//Сочинения в двух томах. Т.2. – М.: “Мысль”, 1978. – b.76.
7. Bacon, 1857–1874. Bacon F. The Works. In 14 vols / Ed. by J. Spedding, R.L. Ellis and D.D. Heath. London: Longman and co., 1857–1874.
8. Эрн. Ф. Сочинения. – М., 1991б.34.
9. Бэкон Ф. Сочинения: 2т. Т. 1. – М., 1971.b. 160-161
10. Уайтхэд А.Н. Избранные работы по философии. – М., 1990.b.68–69
11. Бэкон. Ф. Сочинения: 2 т. Т. 2. – М., 1972.b. 81
12. Бэкон Ф. Сочинения: 2 т. Т. 1. – М., 1971.b. 121
13. Russell B.A. A History of Western Philosophy. – L., 1989.b. 239.
14. Francis Bacon. Essayes Religious meditations. Places of perswasion and disswasion. Seene and allowed.(1597). London:EEBOEditions, ProQuest (July 13, 2010)- b.110.