• Sаbinаbоnu MАKHMUDОVА Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages Teacher of the Department of Practice of English Language
Keywords: Terminology, common scientific expressions, lexicology, function, theory, vocabulary, social, linguistics


This article aims to discuss how terminological vocabulary of a non-native language through scientific texts might help students develop linguistic and professional competence. In this article, the characteristics of scientific discourse as well as the range of typical scientific terms and expressions and their functions have been reviewed. Furthermore, this research explores the characteristics of scientific language and the unique discourse markers used in academic literature


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How to Cite
MАKHMUDОVАS. (2024). LEXICON AND TERMINOLOGY OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOURSE (IN THE MATERIAL OF ARTICLES AND THESES). News of the NUUz, 1(1.9), 289-291. https://doi.org/10.69617/nuuz.v1i1.9.3988