• Эъзозахон МИРДЖАЛАЛОВА Базовый докторант Международной исламской академии Узбекистана
Keywords: Middle East, Muslim culture, Islamic culture, Arab-Muslim culture, historiography


The Arab-Muslim world, as a historical-political concept, can be primitively regarded as the general civilizational status of countries united by the League of Arab States. But how can one understand Arab-Muslim culture within the Arab-Muslim world itself? What does it represent? And how can Arab-Muslim culture be considered in the etymological sense of the word? The demand for a definition by the global community is gaining momentum and requires a clearer and more substantiated approach. The reason for this may be the centuries-old disputes between ethnic groups, which have not found their rational-humanitarian resolution to this day. In this case, as a source scholar, one should first turn to the origins of the concept, which will allow for a more thorough study and objective assessment of this historical and cultural phenomenon.


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How to Cite
МИРДЖАЛАЛОВА, Э. (2024). HISTORY OF THE ARAB-MUSLIM CULTURAL PHENOMENON AND THE ETYMOLOGY OF THE TERM . News of the NUUz, 1(1.9), 136-139. https://doi.org/10.69617/nuuz.v1i1.9.4129