• Guzal KAMBAROVA, Mustaqil tadqiqotchi
Keywords: cultural mediation, youth policy, democratisation, cultural and educational activities


This article explores the concept of "mediation" within the context of cultural policy, particularly its implementation in French youth policy and the education system. Mediation methods and their possible results are studied within the framework of the “New Service – Young Employee” program. The function of cultural mediation in France in the social adaptation of representatives of different social strata (kindergarten children, schoolchildren, adults, immigrants, illiterate people, criminals, disabled people, etc.) is also analyzed


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How to Cite
KAMBAROVA, G. (2024). СULTURAL MEDIATION IN FRENCH YOUTH POLICY . News of the NUUz, 1(1.9.1), 303-305. https://doi.org/10.69617/nuuz.v1i1.9.1.4359