• Mahliyo HUSAYNOVA TATU Farg‘ona filiali O‘zbek tili va gumanitar fanlar kafedrasi o‘qituvchisi
Keywords: Word game, anecdote, pun, dialectism, agnomasia , universal words, neologism, presupposition, subtext.


This article talks about morphological devices that cause laughter in the text of Uzbek anecdotes and their pragmatic features. the history of the appearance of anecdotes is reviewed. The history of the appearance of anecdotes is also reviewed. In European science and Uzbek linguistics, importance is attached to sources related to the study of the text of anecdotes. Morphological methods and tools that cause the creation of the text of anecdotes, including the occurrence of laughter through double and repeated words, are analyzed. These examples are explained and conclusions are given through examples related to the character of Effendi, the main character of the anecdotes.


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