• Nozimaxon IMOMOVA
Keywords: Labor migration, trend, international labor market, country, salary, standard of living, need.


This article analyzes the social aspect of the formation of the main elements of the state policy system in the structure and movement of labor migration processes, mainly for the development of the state policy on the regulation of labor migration processes and the improvement of the legal protection of labor migrants and their family members. Also, new tasks involving labor migration processes involving various state bodies and institutions, including international organizations in the field of migration, non-governmental and public structures, were proposed, in which actions related to labor migration are carried out by the recipient state of labor migrants and their international a proposal aimed at improving international agreements between the donor countries providing the field is presented.

At this point, the article presents the conclusions obtained as a result of sociological research conducted by the author and comparative analysis through official data.


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How to Cite
Nozimaxon IMOMOVA. (2024). SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS OF REGULATING LABOR MIGRATION IN OUR SOCIETY. News of the NUUz, 1(1.1.1), 96-100. https://doi.org/10.69617/uzmu.v1i1.1.1.589