• Abbos NASULLAEV The 2nd year master’s student Bukhara state university
  • Aziza KOBILOVA Phd, associate professor Bukhara state university
Keywords: metaphors used in medical literature, medical discourse, communication in healthcare, academic databases, medical journals, scholarly literature, complex medical concepts, healthcare professionals, patients.


This article presents a comprehensive review of metaphors used in medical literature. It explores the various ways in which metaphors are employed to convey complex medical concepts and enhance communication between healthcare professionals and patients. The review draws upon academic databases, medical journals, and scholarly literature to provide a thorough analysis of the use of metaphors in medical discourse.


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How to Cite
Abbos NASULLAEV, & Aziza KOBILOVA. (2024). MEDICAL METAPHORS USED IN JOURNALISTIC TEXTS. News of the NUUz, 1(1.1.1), 295-298.