The article presents data on the influence of mineral fertilizers and manure on the agrochemical properties of the soil, the content of labile, moderately labile and stable fractions of inorganic and organic phosphates in a long-term experiment on irrigated typical serozem soil, established by the Institute of Cotton Growing in 1926. The studies used generally accepted methods of chemical analysis, as well as the Hadley method, which allows one to determine the content of inorganic and organic phosphates in the soil. The results of the study showed that over 96 years of experiment (1926-2022) in variants with mineral fertilizers (N250P175K125 kg/ha) and 30 t/ha of manure + 25 kg/ha P2O5, the content of humus, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the soil was significantly increased. At the same time, an increase in the absorption capacity of the soil and an increase in the content of calcium and potassium in the composition of the absorbed bases were observed. Under the influence of mineral fertilizers, especially manure, the share of organic phosphorus in total soil phosphorus increased significantly. Moreover, in these variants, an increase in the content of all fractions was observed, especially the fractions of labile phosphorus compounds.
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