• Ilxamdjan YUSUPOV Andijon mashinasozlik instituti tayanch doktoranti
Keywords: special, waste, organic matter, plants, soil, mineral wool, cokovite, high-moor peat, zeolite, lignin, sand, gravel, vermiculite, perlite, expanded clay, oak bark.


It is known that cotton ginning enterprises generate thousands of tons of cotton waste; some types of waste are sold to processing enterprises, and some types must be disposed of. Currently, this waste is used by the population for fattening livestock, in greenhouses it is used to form humus, and it is partially used as filler for the production of compost. These organic wastes are not directly used as nutrients for plant nutrition. To do this, additional waste processing is necessary. The proposed technology is that the waste is processed, water and binding substances are added, it is moved and in special presses in the shape of a glass. After the glass is filled with vermicomposting, plant seeds are planted or the grown ones are picked.


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How to Cite
Ilxamdjan YUSUPOV. (2024). "EFFECTIVE METHODS OF USING ORGANIC WASTE TO INCREASE SOIL FERTILITY". News of the NUUz, 3(3.1), 180-183. https://doi.org/10.69617/uzmu.v3i3.1.1763