• Maftuna BAXTIYOROVA, Oriental Universiteti v.b. dotsenti
Keywords: onomasticon, concept, conceptualization, onomastic unit, historical etymological, historical ethnographic, systematic study.


One of the most important social tasks of the language is to separate and name the things, events, events, symbols that are socially important for the members of the society. Therefore, distinguishing between which language and what kind of existence and reality depends on the lifestyle of the members of the society. The quality and actions of objects and events in the objective existence are felt by the speakers of the language, and based on their unique perception; they are named in comparison with themselves. Because this process is based on a person, it is illogical to name things and explain their essence separately from the person. Therefore, in the anthropocentric paradigm, language is the main element that makes up the human personality.


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How to Cite
Maftuna BAXTIYOROVA,. (2024). ONOMASTIC CONCEPT. News of the NUUz, 1(1.4), 288-292. https://doi.org/10.69617/uzmu.v1i1.4.2082