• Manuchehr SALOXIDDINOV Samarqand davlat chet tillar instituti o‘qituvchi
Keywords: Prototype, relevance, perfect, pragmatic, action, descriptive construction


In this article, the semantic features represented by the grammatical category of the perfect, the lack of comparative study of the meanings of the lexical-semantic groups of the verb in this form, the analysis of its conceptual essence and pragmatic expression in the communication process were considered. The semantics of state and action in differentiating events was thoroughly applied through examples. Completion is also discussed as the final phase, result, and semantic realization of various events in transformative situations.


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How to Cite
Manuchehr SALOXIDDINOV. (2024). GRAMMATICAL INDICATORS OF COMPLETION. News of the NUUz, 1(1.4), 348-351.