• Pokiza Jalolova Uzmu


This article discusses the issues of organizing digital-based education in the higher education system, the problems of increasing
the scientific potential of future specialists in education, the study of the organizational and methodological foundations of
teaching natural sciences, including the Department of Atomic Physics of Physics and Mathematics, the introduction of
electronic educational resources of distance and independent learning through the possibilities of information technology (IT),
the technologization of the educational process is devoted to the description of scientific research, aimed at achieving the set
goals. It recommends electronic textbooks on physical processes, remote open online courses, optimal solutions for the use of
educational tools in the training of future physics specialists.
Keywords: digital technologies, innovative methods, physical processes, education, electronic textbooks, remote open online
courses, training, atomic, information technologies, modular.


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How to Cite
Jalolova, P. (2024). A CREATIVE APPROACH TO LEARNING BASED ON DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES. News of the NUUz, 1(1.5.2), 68-70. https://doi.org/10.69617/nuuz.v1i1.5.2.2337