• Nosir SHERBOEV O‘zbekiston Milliy universiteti o‘qituvchisi
Keywords: rhetoric, word, consumer, trade, trade rhetoric, influence, the influence of speech, linguistic features, consumer


The article investigates the rhetoric as a type of speech in English and Uzbek. Trade rhetoric plays an important role in types of speeches, because this type of speech utilizes variety of stylistic and linguistic devices. The history of rhetoric comes back to the Ancient Greek linguists who conducted several basic researches that clarify main peculiarities of rhetoric. Trade rhetoric is characterized by its main functions that attract consumers with various types of meanings in linguistics. Knowing and researching commercial speech and its specifics when learning a language and translating it from a language iikala helps to know the similar and different aspects between the language. The skill of being able to speak beautifully, the generally recognized moral and aesthetic norms of attracting people are cited by the opinions of various scientists


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How to Cite
SHERBOEV, N. (2024). TRADING RHETORIC AS A TYPE OF SPEECH . News of the NUUz, 1(1.9), 328-330.