translator, translation, method, English literature, changes, English writers,text, target language.

  • Durdona XUDOYBERGANOVA Toshkent davlat transport universiteti talabasi
Keywords: translator, translation, method, English literature, changes, English writers,text, target language.


In this scientific article, the activities of English writers and changes in the process of interpretation of their works in the Uzbek language and difficulties are explained. Also English works into Uzbek many Uzbek scientists who translated it were discussed in detail. Below the given information was originally translated from English describes works and translators.


1. Ijtimoiy sayt: W.W.W kutubxonasi.
2. Hamdamov U, Qosimov A. Hahon adabiyoti, T “ Barkamol fayz media”, 2017.
3. Jahon Adabiyoti fan dasturi, Toshkent- 2019.
4. Tarjima Nazariyasi Asoslari. Тошкент тумани Келес ш. К. Рофуров кучаси МЧЖ “Нош ир”Qudrat Musayev.
5. Ғанишер Раҳимов. Таржима назарияси ва амалиёти. –Тошкент: 2016,
How to Cite
Durdona XUDOYBERGANOVA. (2024). translator, translation, method, English literature, changes, English writers,text, target language. News of the NUUz, 1(1.3), 375-378.