• Iroda GʻULOMOVA Oʻzbekiston Milliy universiteti katta oʻqituvchisi
Keywords: citric acid, acrylamido-N-methylene-citric acid (AA-N-MСА), acrylamido-N-citric acid (AA-N-СА), radical polymerization, initiator, reaction rate, activation energy


The article synthesizes new monomers based on citric acid – acrylamido-N-methylene citric acid (AA-N-MLK) and acrylamido-N-citric acid (AA-N-LC). The structure of the obtained monomers was identified using various physical and chemical research methods. By studying the radical polymerization of monomers in aqueous solutions, the general equations of the rate of their polymerization are derived. The effect of the pH value of the medium and the ionic strength of the solution on the polymerization rate of monomers is shown.


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How to Cite
Iroda GʻULOMOVA. (2024). RADICAL POLYMERIZATION OF ACRYLIC POLYMERS BASED ON CITRIC ACID. News of the NUUz, 3(3.1), 361-365. https://doi.org/10.69617/uzmu.v3i3.1.1847