• Gulmurza ABDURAXMONOV Mirzo Ulug’bek nomidagi O‘zMU fizika fakulteti proffessori,
  • Muhriddin TURSUNOV Mirzo Ulug’bek nomidagi O‘zMU fizika fakulteti tayanch doktoranti,
  • Avazbek DEXQONOV Mirzo Ulug’bek nomidagi O‘zMU fizika fakulteti tayanch doktoranti
Keywords: lead-silicate glass, alloying, ruthenium dioxide, elementary cell, resistivity, thermoEMF, X-ray diffraction, nanocrystals, structural transitions.


In this article, at a temperature above 700 K, the specific resistance ρ and thermoEMF coefficient S of Alloyed silicate glass (LSG) increase sharply, reach a maximum, and then decrease. It was assumed that such changes of ρ and S could be the result of structural transitions in the crystal remains of the ligature. The purpose of this work is to test this assumption in an experiment. For this, the structure of the ligature and LSG was studied using X-ray diffraction at temperatures of 300, 773, 993 and 1123 K and the obtained results were analyzed.


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How to Cite
Gulmurza ABDURAXMONOV, Muhriddin TURSUNOV, & Avazbek DEXQONOV. (2024). STATE OF RuO2 NANOPARTICLES IN SILICATE-DOPED GLASS. News of the NUUz, 3(3.1), 479-483.