• Muyassarxon KARIMOVA Andijon qishloq xo‘jaligi va agrotexnologiyalar instituti “ Gumanitar fanlar” kafedrasi dotsenti
Keywords: Rich and poor, information society, Terrorism,threat, environmental problem, ozone layer, environment, severe diseases, demographic problem.


The article philosophically analyzes the features and forms of globalization and highlights them on the basis of scientific sources. A very controversial form of globalization is social, since it reflects the intensification of migration processes related to economic and political reasons: it points to the difference in wages, living standards and security between “rich” and “poor" countries. The problem in the group of relations between society and nature is food-this is primarily due to the demographic situation and, in connection with this, food shortages, which, as it has been studied, leads to malnutrition and hunger among low-income groups of the population of underdeveloped countries.


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How to Cite
Muyassarxon KARIMOVA. (2024). GLOBALIZATION AS A PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEM. News of the NUUz, 1(1.1.1), 114-118.