• Zilola SAIDOVA Buxoro davlat unversiteti mustaqil izlanuvchisi
Keywords: Education, social management, globalization, management, coordination, specialist, personnel, higher education, process, culture, cooperation, division of labor.


In this article, the author has thoroughly considered the problems of reforming education at the level of modern requirements, raising its quality to the level of high demand, and the national and foreign experience in training highly qualified personnel has been widely covered. Also, the article shows the main features that determine the quality of the educational process in the training of highly qualified personnel, as well as the rules that represent the basis of the concept of the quality system in a higher educational institution.


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How to Cite
Zilola SAIDOVA. (2024). OPPORTUNITIES TO ACQUIRE AND APPLY MODERN KNOWLEDGE. News of the NUUz, 1(1.1.1), 189-192. https://doi.org/10.69617/uzmu.v1i1.1.1.731