• Otabek TILAVOLDIYEV Guliston davlat universiteti, Filologiya fakulteti o’quv ishlari bo’yicha dekan muovini
  • Hikmatullo URAZBAYEV Toshkentdagi Xalqaro Vestminster universiteti, Huquq, texnologiya va ta’lim fakulteti o’quv ishlari bo’yicha dekan muovini, PhD
Keywords: Assurance, enhancement, higher education, perception, quality, student.


This research report presents findings from a survey-based study aimed at investigating the perceptions of students on the quality of higher education in Uzbekistan. With the massification of higher education in Uzbekistan, it is crucial to develop and implement mechanisms of assuring and enhancing higher education quality. For this it is first of all important to understand studentsʻ perception of quality in higher education. The research was carried out employing a survey method that was conducted among 177 students of state and private universities in Uzbekistan. The findings of the research suggest that students see the quality of academic staff as the most important determinant of quality in higher education.


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How to Cite
Otabek TILAVOLDIYEV, & Hikmatullo URAZBAYEV. (2024). QUALITY OF HIGHER EDUCATION FROM STUDENTSʻ PERSPECTIVE. News of the NUUz, 1(1.2), 215-219. https://doi.org/10.69617/uzmu.v1i1.2.986