• Mohira TOSHBEKOVA University оf science аnd technоlоgies Yoshlar bilan ishlash, ma’naviyat va ma’rifat bo‘limi boshlig‘i
  • Mohira TOSHBEKOVA University оf science аnd technоlоgies Yoshlar bilan ishlash, ma’naviyat va ma’rifat bo‘limi boshlig‘i
Keywords: : ideological immunity, elimination of ideological threats, threat tolerance, ideology, youth spirituality, ideological threat, foreign ideas, national idea


Elimination of ideological threats in social life, formation of immunity against ideological threats in the spirituality of the population, especially the youth, has become one of the urgent tasks of the agenda. The negative consequences of various foreign ideas and threats pose a great threat to the development of society in a violent and dangerous environment. The fact that the negative effects of globalization are increasing every second requires awareness and vigilance from all of us. This article discusses the scientific views and practical recommendations of expert scientists.


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How to Cite
Mohira TOSHBEKOVA, & Mohira TOSHBEKOVA. (2024). WAYS TO ELIMINATE IDEOLOGICAL THREATS IN SOCIAL LIFE. News of the NUUz, 1(1.2), 219-222. https://doi.org/10.69617/uzmu.v1i1.2.987