Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1.10 (2024): O'zMU XABARLARI (1.10 SONI) 2024
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About the journal
The name of the journal is “News of the NUUz”.
Founder(s) - National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek.
The number and date of the certificate of state registration of the means of influencing information is No. 02-0071. (03/26/2014) duplicate.
Included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission for publication of the main results of dissertations.
Articles are published in Uzbek, English and English countries in the fields of social, humanities, private and European sciences.
Editor-in-Chief Majidov I.U. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
Deputy Editor-in-Chief Ergashov Y.S. – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor.

ISSN: 2181-7324 (Print)

Distribution: Open access.