Sample manuscripts & article formalization requirements

Page format

Text – Microsoft Word. Format – A4. The size to be left from the top, bottom and right side of the page is 2 cm. 3 cm is left from the left side.

The article requires the use of "Times New Roman" font, "Microsoft Word" version 2003, 2007. Font size – 14. Line spacing – 1.5 . Letterhead (paragraph) – 1.25 .


Structure of the article

Title of manuscript:

the article and other materials should be short, consistent with the content and not more than 12 words. The title is bold and centered, one line from the top of the page.


Author( s):

Authors' full names should be listed in the following order:

name , patronymic, surname, if there are two or more authors, the information is separated by a comma. Information about the place of work of the author( s) should be presented in the following order: department, institute, city and country.


the structure and content of the article:

  • The purpose of the research and the state of the scientific problem at the time of writing the article should be reflected in the article .
  • of the article is revealed systematically based on its goals and objectives.
  • based on the nature of the article , research methods should be described.
  • results and conclusions can be presented in extended form (using tables and figures where appropriate). A comparative analysis and interpretation of previously published results is also given.
  • the article must be concluded. Answers to the questions posed in the introduction, conclusions should be clearly indicated in the conclusion.
  • article in Russian and English is given at the bottom of the article text, 2 lines below.

Links are inserted using the Microsoft Word text editor's "Link ( ssylki )" function, where they were originally used. The link text must be at the bottom of the page in Times New Roman font size 10. The procedure for formalizing the link must be in accordance with the requirements of the OAK of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the formalization of literature.


Preparation of tables, drawings and diagrams

the article contains tables, figures and diagrams, they should all be named and numbered. Tables, drawings and diagrams must be attached to the electronic copy of the article as separate files. Tables, drawings and diagrams submitted in the form of photographs will not be accepted. It is not possible to submit drawings and diagrams prepared in the Microsoft Word text editor , as well as their photocopies. Tables are entered through the "Table" function of the "Microsoft Word " program .

Pictures and images are not accepted. The quality of scanned materials is required to be at least 300 dpi.


Abbreviations and symbols

Only standard abbreviations are used in the text of the article. No abbreviation is given in the title of the article. Abbreviations and conventional signs that are not in general use are




Information about the author


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1 Link.

2 Links.