Данная статья посвящена изучению педагогических условий, необходимых для эффективного формирования информационно-коммуникативной компетентности у преподавателей технических вузов. Акцент делается на важности развития данной компетенции в современной образовательной среде, где взаимодействие и обмен информацией становятся ключевыми элементами профессионального роста и успешного преподавания. Данной статьей мы поставили перед собою цель анализировать современное состояние информационно-коммуникативной компетентности профессорско-преподавательского состава технических вузов, выявляя основные проблемы и задачи.
2. Duranov M. E., (2001) Zhernov V. I. Information and communication approach in teaching and organizing the pedagogical process. Magnitogorsk: Publishing House of MaSU, pp. 25-37.
3. Andreev, A.L. (2018). Information technologies in education: experience of implementation in technical universities. Moscow: Publishing house "Higher Education".
4. Kozyreva, N.I., & Smirnova, O.N. (2017). Methods of teaching computer science at a technical university: modern approaches and trends. Education and Information Technology, 3(12), 78-88.
5. Lebedeva, O.M. (2019). Development of information and communication competencies of technical university teachers in the context of digital transformation. Higher education in Russia, 28(7), 59-70.
6. Morozov, S.P. (2020). Innovative teaching methods at a technical university: implementation experience and effectiveness. Engineering Education, 4(15), 112-124.
7. Polat, E.S., & Grigoriev, S.G. (2018). Education in the digital age: challenges and prospects. Technology in Education, 6(23), 45-58.
8. Chernova, M.I., & Kudinov, S.V. (2019). Professional training of teachers of technical universities in the context of digitalization of education. Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series: Computer Science and Information Technologies, 3(45), 89-101.
9. Shatalov, A.A., & Novikova, N.V. (2017). Formation of information and communication competencies in the process of professional training of future engineers. Professional education in Russia and abroad, 2(18), 56-65.
10. Shurova, E.M. (2020). Integration of information technologies into the educational process of a technical university. Information technologies in education and science, 5(28), 112-126.
11. Atajonova. S.B. (2022) Scientific research competence of technical specialists// "Innovative technologies, IT-technologies and problems of labor protection in production", the Republican scientific and practical conference, september 24-25, pp. 45-47.
12. Atajonova. S.B. (2022) Modernization of the system of education and teaching special disciplines in the context of development and renewal of technical higher education institutions // "Innovative technologies, IT-technologies and problems of labor protection in production", the Republican scientific and practical conference, september 24-25, pp.120-122.
13. Atajonova S.B. (2022) Methodology of teaching general educational disciplines with a professional focus in technical universities // Scientific and technical journal machine building STJ AndMI. № 5. Issue 2. pp. 509-515.
14. Абдуллаев Бахтиёр Панжи угли (2023) ЦИФРОВИЗАЦИЯ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ КАК АСПЕКТ ПОВЫШЕНИЯ КАЧЕСТВА ОБУЧЕНИЯ // (Namangan davlat universiteti ilmiy axborotnomasi 7-son), 2023-yil.
15. Abdullaev Baxtiyor Panji o‘g‘li. TA’LIMNI RAQAMLASHTIRISH KONTSEPSIYALARI MAZMUN VA MOHIYATI // Yangilanayotgan Oʻzbekiston taraqqiyotida iqtisodiy fanlarni oʻqitishning dolzarb masalalari respublika ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi 16-iyun, 2023- yil.