• Damegul ARAPBAYEVA Xalqaro Nordik universiteti dotsenti, psixologiya fanlari nomzodi, O‘zMU mustaqil izlanuvchisi (DSc).
Ключевые слова: : Брак, семья, супружеская пара, дети, развод, причины развода, риск развода, финансовые трудности.


The article examines the problem of divorce as the most important socio-psychological phenomenon of modern human society.

Information on enthusiastic, lawful, financial and social types of divorce is presented. It is noted that, as a result of divorce, irreversible deep changes occur in the psyche of the child in the family, and a number of negative qualities such as mistrust, anger, rage, revenge, aggressiveness appear in the psychology of each member of the family.


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Как цитировать
Damegul ARAPBAYEVA. (2024). РАЗВОД КАК СОЦИАЛЬНО-ПСИХОЛОГИЧЕСКОЕ ЯВЛЕНИЕ. Вестник УзМУ, 1(1.4.1), 67-70. https://doi.org/10.69617/uzmu.v1i1.4.1.2146