• Yoo In YOUNG SamDU Arxeologiya kafedrasi mustaqil tadqiqotchisi,
"Kalit so‘zlar" : : Afrosiyob, ilk o’rta asrlar, Sug’d, Xitoy, Koguryo, Turklar, elchilik munosabatlari, devoriy suratlar, savdo munosabatlari.


Afrasiyab is the northern edge of Samarkand, the historical city of the ancient Sughd Kingdom, and the murals on the site of the palace there are called "Afrasiyab Murals". Murals have been known since 1965. Ambassadors from Korea in the early Middle Ages are also depicted in wall paintings in Afrasiab. On the four walls of the living room, which is about 11 square meters and 2 meters high, there are very skillfully depicted pictures of the history of Sughd in the middle of the 7th century. The article talks about the aspects of Afrosyab wall paintings related to the history of Korea.


1. Альбаум Л.И. Живопись Афрасиаба. Ташкент. 1975.
2. 권영필, 아프라시압 별궁 벽화와 고구려 사절 , '실크로드 인사이드. 문명의 충돌과 미술의 화해'(권 영필), 두성출판, 2011.
3. 상지대 석좌교수 권 영 필, 중앙아시아의 아프라시압 벽화와 고대한국.중앙아시아 지역의 역사와 문화.
4. Étienne de la Vaisssière, trans. James Ward, Sogdian Traders. A History Leiden, Brill, 2005.
5. Markus Mode, Sogdien und die Herrscher der Welt. Türken, Sasaniden und Chinesen in Historiengemalden des 7. Jahrhundert n. Chr. aus Alt-Samarqand, Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 1993.
6. アリバウム, 加藤九祚 譯,古代 サマルカンドの壁畵, 文化出版局, 東京, 1980.
7. 김원룡, 사마르칸트 아프v라시압 궁전벽화의 사절단 , 고고미술129․130, 고고미술사학회, 1976.
Nashr qilingan