• Murodjon SULTANOV UrDU doktoranti, PhD, dotsent
  • Eshkabul SAFAROV UzMU Professor
"Kalit so‘zlar" : Iqlim o‘zgarishi, tuproq degradatsiyasi, Earth Engine API, NDVI, MODIS, o‘simlik biomassasi.


Global iqlim isishi qurg‘oqchil mintaqalarda yanada suv taqchilligini kuchaytirib, tuproq degradatsiyasi xavfini oshiradi va oziq-ovqat xavfsizligi uchun jiddiy ta’sir ko‘rsatadi. Ushbu maqolada Xorazm viloyati iqlim ma’lumotlari va MODIS sun’iy yo‘ldosh NDVI tasvirlari asosida Earth Engine API platformasidan foydalanib, tuproq degradatsiya xavfi tahlil qilingan. Sersuv davrlar, suv taqchil davrlar va degradatsiya xavfi kuchli, o‘rta, kam bo‘lgan hududlarning oshib borishi hududiy tahlil qilingan. Iqlim o‘zgarishi tendensiyasining davom qilishi Amudaryo suv manbasida zahiralarning kamayishiga olib kelib, tuproq degradatsiyasi xavfi kuchli bo‘lgan maydonlar 30%dan oshishi mumkin.


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3. M. Sultanov, M. Ibrakhimov, A. Akramkhanov, C. Bauyer, and C. Conrad, “Modelling End-of-Season Soil Salinity in Irrigated Agriculture Through Multi-temporal Optical Remote Sensing, Environmental Parameters, and In Situ Information,” PFG - J. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Geoinf. Sci., vol. 86, no. 5–6, pp. 221–233, 2018, doi: 10.1007/s41064-019-00062-3.
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5. B. Tischbein et al., “Water Management in Khorezm: Current Situation and Options for Improvement (Hydrological Perspective),” Cotton, Water, Salts Soums Econ. Ecol. Restruct. Khorezm, Uzb., vol. 9789400719, pp. 1–419, 2012, doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-1963-7.
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