• Mohira JURAEVA Second-year doctoral student of Karshi State University Teacher of the Department of English Language Teaching Methodology and Practice
##plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName##: https://doi.org/10.69617/nuuz.v1i1.7.3429
"Kalit so‘zlar" : Interlanguage, o‘rganuvchi mustaqil tili, nutqni rivojlantirish, kommunikativ metod, multicompetence.


Maqolada “interlanguage” konsepsiyasi tahlil qilinib, uning chet tilini o‘rganish jarayonida EFL talabalari duch keladigan muammolarini asoslovchi ahamiyati o‘rganildi. “Interlanguage” konsepsiyasining chet tilini o‘qitish metodlaridan bo‘lgankommunikativ metodning paydo bo‘lishida tutgan o‘rni tahlil qilinib, xulosa chiqarildi.


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