• Zulfiya DAVRONOVA Senior Lecturer of Uzbekistan State World Languages University
Keywords: Realities, translation, bioequivalent vocabulary, calcination, transliteration, art text,


The purpose of this article is to consider the peculiarities of translation of realia in a fiction text, as well as to study the most common methods of translation of realia in the novels of A. Chulpan "Day and Night" and Aibek "Navoi". As a result of our research, it was revealed that in the works of fiction realities convey a special national flavor, so the translator should pay special attention to them. Analyzing the realia of these works in translation into French and Russian, the following methods were found: transcription, transliteration, calque and descriptive translation.


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How to Cite
Zulfiya DAVRONOVA. (2024). METHODS OF USING REALITIES IN A FICTION TEXT. News of the NUUz, 1(1.4), 306-309.