• Aziza ASLANOVA Oʻzbekiston Jurnalistika va ommaviy kommunikatsiyalar universiteti o‘qituvchisi
Keywords: Digital PR, social networks, digital strategies, communication, business success.


In the era of the development of the Internet in everyday life, people have an increasing demand for the use of digital PR. Digital PR is essential to running a business because companies must use the Internet and social media to advertise and sell their products. The need to use digital tools for brand communication is becoming increasingly important in the digital economy. Although the essence of brand communication remains the same - the exchange of information with the consumer through symbols and the formation of a positive brand image, the content of such an exchange process is fundamentally different. The effectiveness of digital PR serves to increase the communicative activity of the brand. The article discusses an integrated approach to the promotion and sale of goods and services on the example of digital PR.


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How to Cite
ASLANOVA, A. (2024). DIGITAL PR TOOLS FOR BRAND PROMOTION. News of the NUUz, 1(1.8.1), 257-260.