• Nozimjon ATABOYEV Filologiya fanlari bo’yicha falsafa doktori (PhD), dotsent BuxDU Xorijiy tillar fakulteti dekani
Keywords: Corpus linguistics, corpus, diachronic corpus, methodology.


It is of urgent importance to collect an electronic linguistic database that summarizes written and spoken texts, which represents a language or a certain part of the language, is a practical expression of corpus analysis methods, national corpora, language development, enrichment of the lexical layer, and the improvement of its statistical analysis in specific numbers. Since the quality of linguistic research in the world is based on statistical analysis, the effective result of the practice of creating language corpora in the field allows saving the time spent in the process of text analysis. In addition to providing a scientific explanation of the concept of diachronic corpora, this article aims to analyze the importance of creating a diachronic corpus and the advantages of using it in the study of language development.


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How to Cite
Nozimjon ATABOYEV. (2024). DIACHRONIC CORPORA: THE ROLE OF CORPUS LINGUISTICS METHODOLOGY IN THE STUDIES ON LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT. News of the NUUz, 1(1.3), 272-276. https://doi.org/10.69617/uzmu.v1i1.3.1385