That is why many saints like Imam Bukhari, Imam Termizi, Moturudi, Marginani, Ahmad Yassavi, Abdulkhaliq Gijduvani, Najmuddin Kubro, Bahauddin Naqshband, Khoja Ahror Vali, who are the dargahs of our science in Uzbekistan today. great attention is paid to the modern, scientific and impartial study of the scientific, religious-mystical heritage, worldview, way of life and values of our figures, intellectuals. Careful efforts are being made to spread and promote their heritage to the general public. Although a number of scientific studies have been carried out in our country on the life and sect of Ahmad Yassavi, no specific research has been carried out on the psychological aspects of his mystical views. Despite the fact that it originated in Central Asia and spread widely to different countries of the world, the Kubrovian sect has not been fully studied to this day. Ahmed Yassavi is a great person who is an example to the whole world with his extraordinary zeal and determination in the pursuit of knowledge, his courage in the path of truth, his patriotism, and his generosity. For this reason, it is necessary to comprehensively study his life path and spiritual heritage, and we have focused on these aspects in this article.
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