• Javlonbek ABDUJALILOV Muhammad al-Xorazmiy nomidagi Toshkent Axborot texnologiyalari universiteti mustaqil izlanuvchisi
##plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName##: https://doi.org/10.69617/uzmu.v1i1.3.1289
"Kalit so‘zlar" : Sun’iy intellekt, robototexnika, dasturiy ta’minot.


Ushbu maqolada biz O‘zbekistondagi umumiy o‘rta ta’limda sun’iy intellekt va robototexnikani dasturlashni o‘qitishni idrok etish darajasini o‘lchash uchun so‘rovnoma tadqiqotini o‘tkazdik. Biz to‘rt guruh ishtirokchilari bilan so‘rovnoma o‘tkazishni tanladik. Ular umumiy o‘rta maktab o‘quvchilari (10 va 11-sinf o‘quvchilari), ularning ota-onalari, Informatika va axborot texnologiyalari fani o‘qituvchilari va maktab direktorlari ishtirok etishga taklif etildi. Tadqiqotga Toshkent shahrida joylashgan 12 ta maktab kiritildi. Har bir respondentning so‘rov qog‘ozi kodlangan va so‘rov natijalari respondentlarning fikri asosida tahlil qilingan.


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2. The Artificial Intelligence (AI) for K-12 initiative (AI4K12) is jointly sponsored by AAAI and CSTA. https://ai4k12.org/ .
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6. Chai, C., Lin, P., Jong, M., Dai, Y., Chiu, T., & Qin, J. (2021). Perceptions of and behavioral intentions towards learning artificial Intelligence in primary school Students. Educational Technology & Society, 24(3), 89–101.
7. Chai, C., Lin, P., Jong, M., Dai, Y., Chiu, T., & Qin, J. (2021). Perceptions of and behavioral intentions towards learning artificial Intelligence in primary school Students. Educational Technology & Society, 24(3), 89–101.
8. Sensetime. (2018). Fundamentals of artificial intelligence. East China Normal University. Retrieved from ttps://www.sensetime.com/en/Service/ai_class.html
9. Touretzky, D. (2020). Five big ideas in AI" featured in NSF video showcase. Retrieved from https://www.cs.cmu.edu/news/five-big-ideas-ai-featured-nsf-video-showcase
10. Williams, R., & Breazeal, C. (2020). How to train your robot: A middle school AI and ethics curriculum. MIT. Retrieved from https://dam-prod.media.mit.edu/x/2020/06/19/EduAI_2020.pdf
Nashr qilingan