• Zulhayat AMANULLA Teacher of Russian language Institute of Foreign Languages, Xinjiang University, Deputy Director of the Russian Language Center of Xinjiang University
##plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName##: https://doi.org/10.69617/uzmu.v1i1.4.1.2142
"Kalit so‘zlar" : Texnologiya, metodika, o‘quv dasturi, milliy til, davlat tili, g‘oya, milliy til, pedagogik tuzilma, pedagogik iboralar, pedagogik g‘oyalar.


Ushbu maqola aslida Xitoy misolida xitoy tilini o‘rgatish imkoniyatlarini taqdim etdi. U kiber tahdidlar masalasiga alohida to‘xtalib o‘tdi. Rus tilini o ‘qitish usullariga tahdid boshqa davlatlar o‘rtasidagi kelishmovchilikning sababi sifatida ko ‘rilmoqda.


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