"Kalit so‘zlar"
Pragmatika, pragmatizm, aspekt, saqlanish, ifodalar, qabul qiluvchi, kuzatuvchi, lingvopragmatika.
Ushbu maqolada lingvistik tadqiqotlarning asosiy sohalaridan biri pragmatika xususida fikr yuritilgan va bir qator olimlarning pragmatikaga oid tadqiqotlari tahlil qilingan. Maqolada publitsistik diskursning pragmatik xususiyatlari tahlil qilinadi.
1. Searle, J. Speech acts: A n essay in the philosophy of language / J. Searle. -
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969. -203p.
2. Арутюнова, Н. Д. Предложение и его смысл / Н.Д. Арутюнова - 2-е изд., стер. - М: УРСС, 2002. - 384 с.
3. Kobilova, A. (2022). Lingua-cultural aspects of medical periphrases of English language. ЦЕНТР НАУЧНЫХ ПУБЛИКАЦИЙ (buxdu. uz), 9(9).
4. Bakhriddinovna, K. A. (2020). Features of the use of the periphrases of the Uzbek and English languages in journalistic texts. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24(7), 8162-8168.
5. Bakhriddinovna, K. A. (2020, December). Periphrasis-As A Stylistic Device. In Archive of Conferences (Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 215-216).
6. Bakhriddinovna, K. A. (2021). Some considerations about periphrases. ACADEMICIA: AN INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH JOURNAL, 11(2), 1614-1617.
7. Bakhriddinovna, K. A. (2022). Semantic and lingua-cultural features of English and Uzbek medical periphrases. International Journal on Integrated Education, 5(6), 162-167.
8. Kobilova, A. B. (2021, February). Peryphrases used in medical texts and their characteristics (on the example of English and Uzbek languages). In Archive of Conferences (Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 255-257).
9. Bakhriddinovna, K. A. The use of the medical periphrases of the Uzbek and English languages in journalistic texts. JournalNX, 7(06), 143-150.
10. Kobilova, A. B. (2022). Инглиз ва ўзбек лингвомаданиятида тиббий перифразаларнинг хусусиятлари: филология фанлари бўйича фалсафа доктори (PhD) диссертацияси. Бухоро, 2022.–148-б.
11. Baxriddinovna, K. A. (2023). THE FORMATION OF MEDICAL PERIPHRASES IN ENGLISH AND UZBEK LANGUAGES. Finland International Scientific Journal of Education, Social Science & Humanities, 11(2), 569-573.
12. Erkinovna, Y. F. . (2023). Four Current Approaches to Politeness. Best Journal of Innovation in Science, Research and Development, 2(6), 250–255. Retrieved from
13. Erkinovna , Y. F. . (2023). Grice’s Conversational Maxims in Our Everyday Life. Miasto Przyszłości, 32, 151–154. Retrieved from
14. Yuldasheva, F. (2023). ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ ВЕЖЛИВОСТИ В СОВРЕМЕННОЙ ЛИНГВИСТИКЕ. Farg ‘ona davlat universiteti ilmiy jurnali, (1), 480-483.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969. -203p.
2. Арутюнова, Н. Д. Предложение и его смысл / Н.Д. Арутюнова - 2-е изд., стер. - М: УРСС, 2002. - 384 с.
3. Kobilova, A. (2022). Lingua-cultural aspects of medical periphrases of English language. ЦЕНТР НАУЧНЫХ ПУБЛИКАЦИЙ (buxdu. uz), 9(9).
4. Bakhriddinovna, K. A. (2020). Features of the use of the periphrases of the Uzbek and English languages in journalistic texts. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24(7), 8162-8168.
5. Bakhriddinovna, K. A. (2020, December). Periphrasis-As A Stylistic Device. In Archive of Conferences (Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 215-216).
6. Bakhriddinovna, K. A. (2021). Some considerations about periphrases. ACADEMICIA: AN INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH JOURNAL, 11(2), 1614-1617.
7. Bakhriddinovna, K. A. (2022). Semantic and lingua-cultural features of English and Uzbek medical periphrases. International Journal on Integrated Education, 5(6), 162-167.
8. Kobilova, A. B. (2021, February). Peryphrases used in medical texts and their characteristics (on the example of English and Uzbek languages). In Archive of Conferences (Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 255-257).
9. Bakhriddinovna, K. A. The use of the medical periphrases of the Uzbek and English languages in journalistic texts. JournalNX, 7(06), 143-150.
10. Kobilova, A. B. (2022). Инглиз ва ўзбек лингвомаданиятида тиббий перифразаларнинг хусусиятлари: филология фанлари бўйича фалсафа доктори (PhD) диссертацияси. Бухоро, 2022.–148-б.
11. Baxriddinovna, K. A. (2023). THE FORMATION OF MEDICAL PERIPHRASES IN ENGLISH AND UZBEK LANGUAGES. Finland International Scientific Journal of Education, Social Science & Humanities, 11(2), 569-573.
12. Erkinovna, Y. F. . (2023). Four Current Approaches to Politeness. Best Journal of Innovation in Science, Research and Development, 2(6), 250–255. Retrieved from
13. Erkinovna , Y. F. . (2023). Grice’s Conversational Maxims in Our Everyday Life. Miasto Przyszłości, 32, 151–154. Retrieved from
14. Yuldasheva, F. (2023). ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ ВЕЖЛИВОСТИ В СОВРЕМЕННОЙ ЛИНГВИСТИКЕ. Farg ‘ona davlat universiteti ilmiy jurnali, (1), 480-483.
Nashr qilingan
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